About brining pork roasts . . . I plan to make the Pork Brined in Rum and Cider with Apples. http://www.food52.com/recipes..., but notice in the comments some difficulties with one (very good) cook ending up with an oversalted roast. Are there rules of thumb for the dilution and/or length of time to soak a pork roast in a cider/rum brine like this? Thanks so much, everyone. ;o)



hardlikearmour December 24, 2010
AJ, make sure to update us on how this turns out for you.
pierino December 24, 2010
I agree with HLA. It's a cliche but you can put salt in you just can't take it out. 18 hours would be the minimum I would consider.
hardlikearmour December 24, 2010
I think with the more dilute brine and the acidic solution an 18 to 24 hour soak would be appropriate. I guess if I were doing it, I'd plan on 18 to 20 hours. Keep in mind, my opinion is not based on experience with making this recipe, just a decent amount of knowledge of brining plus some research (McGee, AB, and CI primarily.)
AntoniaJames December 24, 2010
Hey, thanks so much HLA. How long would you soak it? Really appreciate all the info you've provided! ;o)
hardlikearmour December 24, 2010
oops...i meant to calculate the salt percentage...let me finish that sentence.
"at best this would be about a 9% solution."
hardlikearmour December 24, 2010
AJ, I think the brine is too salty. Typically brines are between 3 & 6% salt (30-60 grams per liter or approx. 1-2 oz. per quart). 2/3 cup Diamond Kosher salt weighs about 3 1/3 oz. 2/3 cup Morton Kosher salt weighs about 5 oz. The recipe only calls for a quart of liquid, some of which evaporates during the simmering process. At best this would be a

The concentration of the solution plus the duration of the soak will affect the saltiness of the final product (i.e. a more concentrated solution should soak a shorter time than a less concentrated solution - the CI instructions for brining turkey rec. a 6% solution if you're brining for 4-6 hours, and a 3% solution if you're brining for 12-24 hours) There are other factors like pH and temperature that come into play with brining as well. (more acidic = slower brine penetration which should be helpful in this case as apple juice is acidic.)

I guess if I were going to make this, I'd cut the salt back to 1/4 cup of Diamond Kosher or 2 T of table salt (or about 1.25 oz per quart.) In theory you would be able to brine for the recommended time at this level. It would be infinitely better to err on the side of too little salt than too much (at least in my mind.) Best of luck & happy holidays to you.
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