An alternate for a tube pan

I just read a wonderful recipe for honey cake to be baked in a non-stick 9 or 10" tube pan. I don't own a tube pan. Can someone tell me if I can bake it in a loaf pan? Secondly, is there any reason why the pan needs to be non-stick?

  • Posted by: ChefGam
  • September 17, 2014
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

nutcakes September 17, 2014
Yes you can do it in loaf pans. fill 2/3rd full only, 3/4 max if it doesn't rise much. It might take 2 depending on the size of your loaf pan, some are 9 inches and some are 8 inch. I have a small little square pan I use for leftover to make a mini-cake so I don't overfill loaf pans, or you can use however many wells in your cupcake pan to use any excess batter up. Nonstick is not necessary, just helps. Just butter and flour it well.
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