I bought some bulk olives in brine and they appear to have a white scum on them. They've been in the back (coldest area) of the fridge. Wh



onetinyspark November 5, 2014
From what I've read and understand, the white stuff is totally fine. It just means the olives have undergone fermentation in the saltbrine. OR if the olives are stored in olive oil, it means that the olive oil is solidifying in the fridge. Just sit the jar out of the fridge for about 15-20 minutes prior to use, and I bet you notice the white scum goes away. It is not mold and it is harmless.

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Susan W. November 5, 2014
It's not mold. It's lactic yeast (aka the mother) that develops and is part of a natural fermentation process. Olive bars at reputable stores are a perfectly fine place to buy olives. You can spoon it off and add a little oil to avoid it.

If you've ever made kombucha, the very same thing happens.
ChezHenry November 5, 2014
I do buy olives at an olive bar from time to time, as stated, when I have a short-term need. The handling is not controlled-who knows how the spoon was handled, or what may have been introduced to them. Mold can grow on olives/brined products, particularly ones that may have been left out and handled incorrectly, and as such you really don't know. Always use a clean utensil to pluck your olives from the jar, no fingers, and I find that the jarred olives never have this issue.
ChezHenry November 5, 2014
Probably mold and you should discard. This is one of the reasons I am wary buying olives from an olive bar, unless I just want a small quantity. Improper handling can expose them to all sorts of things and i have ad mine sprout mold after just a few days. I do much better with jarred olives, and keep some at my weekend house for Martinis, sometimes for months (depending on how much Im imbibing!)
Tasha November 5, 2014
My at rubs pickles always have that. It's fine. Not sure what it is though haha
Patricia November 5, 2014
Hmmm. Looks like all my question didn't appear. What is the white stuff? Can it just be rinsed off?
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