I've never used Coconut milk before, but my favorite oriental place has a dish they call Creamy Garlic Shrimp. The creamy sauce is thick and sligh...

...tly sweet. Could this be coconut milk they are using? It is soooo delicious

Judy P
  • Posted by: Judy P
  • November 7, 2014
  • 1 Comment
Creamy Chicken Curry
Recipe question for: Creamy Chicken Curry

1 Comment

Susan W. November 7, 2014
Very possibly it's coconut milk. It has a sort of sweet hint without being sugary. I am speaking of the 100% coconut milk in the can, not the one sold near the dairy that has all sorts of junk in it. If you decide to delve into coconut milk, read the labels and find one with the fewest ingredients. I like Whole Foods 365. It's priced reasonably and is simply coconut milk. Goya and Thai Kitchen both have additives, so I avoid them.

It also may have date palm sugar in it which is a common ingredient in Asian cooking. I love and use it a lot. It has an almost caramel flavor.

Now I am hungry. :)
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