What is the approx volume of the 10 slices of bread cubes? I need to make for a crowd and want proportions to balance.

  • Posted by: mbobden
  • November 12, 2014


Marina C. November 19, 2014
I had about 50 cubes but I didn't want it be as bready as the recipe calls for. You might want to double it otherwise.
AntoniaJames November 17, 2014
I'd say 7 or 8 cups, cubed and lightly packed. I haven't actually made this, but looking at the volumes of the other ingredients, that would seem to be about right. There are so many variables, but fortunately, precision is not terribly important (though you might want to add a touch more stock than the 1 1/2 cups called for, if it doesn't appear moist enough . . . again, though, that will depend on the density and staleness of the bread used.) Hope this helps! ;o)
Lindsay-Jean H. November 17, 2014
Gena, the recipe author, might have missed a notification of this question. You could try sending her a direct message with your question by going to her profile page (https://food52.com/users/70454-gena-hamshaw) and then clicking the little envelope icon.
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