Can these be made ahead and reheated in the oven, or would they be a soggy disappointment? If yes, what temp/time would you recommend?



foxeslovelemons December 11, 2014
Hi blackberry! I haven't tried reheating in the oven, but I have had success reheating leftover cakes by simply re-warming them on the griddle. They got crispy again and were good! If you wanted to try the oven, I would put them on a cooling rack set inside a sheet pan, so that heat could circulate all around them and get them crisp.
Nancy December 11, 2014
Agree with Monita. These sweet potato cakes resemble latkes, which are often made beforehand because they take so long to make, and nobody in a crowd likes waiting THAT long. Can leave at room temp or in fridge for only a few hours, or freeze for longer. They freeze beautifully, and reheat to great crispiness.
Monita December 10, 2014
Yes - you can make ahead of time and reheat. Cool completely before refrigerating or even freezing. Store them between parchment paper; it helps absorb an oils that come out while chilling. Re-heat in 200 degree oven for about 20 minutes (if frozen. Then de-frost first); uncovered and if at all possible in a single layer. Both the uncovering and single layer will prevent them from getting soggy.
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