Any NYC Food52ers Interested in Doing a Potluck?

It seems that there are a whole lot of Food52ers in the NYC area. Might anyone be interested in doing a large (or small) potluck together? While I'm happy to organize, my studio apartment is WAY too small for a gathering.


Liza's Kitchen NYC


Sarahgreenbean December 22, 2014
I would love to! I also have a small apartment, but depending on how casual everyone is willing to go, I could fit 8-10 in my living room (no table large enough unfortunately).
Pegeen December 22, 2014
Maybe it would be nice to do it in the New Year, maybe Feb or March, when people are looking for things to do? Nice idea!
Lindsay-Jean H. December 22, 2014
I'm sorry you haven't received any answers to this yet. I'm hoping bumping this back up to the top gets some more eyes on it!
Liza's K. December 22, 2014
Not to worry! I'm realizing that it's likely a terrible time to ask as people are busy get ready for the holiday.
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