Romantic NYE main course
My husband loves NYE and the last decedent meal of the holiday season. I hate it. Too many people drinking and driving. Limited menus that I'm always disappointed with.
Compromis, I cook something wonderful and romantic.
This year I'm starting with a great semi hard cheese crusted with diced olives and sun friend tomatoes. Oysters with mignonette. Then lobster bisque. I'm at a loss for a main course. I'm thinking meat; beef, veal, lamb, venison. If cooked duck and goose over the holidays.
All ideas are appreciated.
I am moving the cheese toward the end and adding a course of grilled asparagus with shaves Parma and a bit, just a bit of truffle oil between the bisque and lamb.
Our dinners take 4+ hours with wine and conversation in between each course.
The other important part of a romantic meal is making sure there isn't too much clean up. This is perfect, all plates can go in the dishwasher and that only leaves my grill pan to be washed.