How can I serve marinated meats (pork, chicken) to my customers while maintaining consistancy?
Thank you for taking my question; the issue I need help with is knowing how to serve marinaded meats consistently to customers. I have found that for my recipe, the marinaded meats taste good after three hours of marinating. Of course, this is not possible to have the meals served after three hours consistently to patrons. For example, on one day if I place the meats in the marinade at 6:00pm and start serving at noon the next day, they will have one texture and taste. If I start them in the morning, 9:00am, they are ready at noon.
Bottom line, what is the best practice for a food establishment that serves marinated meats on the menu (chicken, pork, lamb) without having different tastes and textures for patrons? Do I take the meat out after three hours then refrigerate? I need advice from someone experienced to help please. Thank you!
The problem with leaving meat in marinade for longer than three hours is not really necessary as you want maximum migration of marinade into the food.
The problem with leaving meat in marinade for longer than three hours is not really necessary as you want maximum migration of marinade into the food.
I appreciate the reply but please allow me to address your comment; as this is an open forum, I am merely seeking some opinions from others versus implementing policies. Basically, I'm hoping that a few cooks can share some of their experiences and insights for those that have cooked for restaurants that have marinated meats on the menu. The reason why I brought this up is because I visited a very nice restaurant where they advertise that their meats are marinated 24hrs, so I started thinking, how can this be done consistently when food is perishable. Does that mean it is marinated a "minimum" of 24hrs, and if so, what is considered maximum yet still allowable to serve and maintain the product consistency. It is a concept I want to understand. I hope others join in to the conversation.
Best wishes.