Where is a good place to get nice dishes/glasses/silverware/ect. ?

I am wanting to find dishes and glassware that are professional so i can practice plating and stuff like that. But i really can't find anything different than the average round dishes. I want something kinda modern or urban like. Any suggestions? Websites? Stores? Brands?

Christina Marie Smith


QueenSashy January 27, 2015
CB2 and Crate&Barrel usually have reasonably priced modern dishes.
dinner A. January 27, 2015
CB2 has inexpensive, nice looking modern dishes.
HalfPint January 27, 2015
Try Costplus World Market. They have nice white square plates, soup bowls and are reasonably priced.

Might also want to check out Oneida outlets.
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 27, 2015
For reasonably priced modern, contemporary offerings check out Crate & Barrel, Bed, Bath & Beyond, West Elm and Macy's webites.
bigpan January 27, 2015
I would seek out a nearby restaurant wholesaler that offers cash-and-carry to walk in customers.
You will be amazed at the selection.
Prices will range from single items, better price for dozen or more, and even better price for a case (which might only be a dozen!)
Maedl January 27, 2015
Check out thrift shops, estate sales and yard sales. You will find more interesting plate and tableware than you could ever hope for in the large discount retailers.
Kristen W. January 27, 2015
Target does have really inexpensive white square and rectangular plates of various sizes and dimensions. I'm sure they're not super high-quality, but to practice plating I would think they would do the trick. My other thought is to check out a reputable restaurant supply shop in your area. Yelp could be a helpful place to start.
TobiT January 26, 2015
Fishs Eddy (don't know if they have a website)
Cost plus world market.
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