prop swap

For those food bloggers out there, does anyone ever have the feeling that they have too many 'props' - single pieces of plates, cups, cutlery etc that they no longer use but may be useful to others & vice versa.
How feasible would it be to organize a 'swap' and donate the proceeds to a food related charity?



ChefJune February 5, 2015
Sounds like a great idea for the Spring!
Pegeen February 4, 2015
Potluck & Props sounds great. Running it locally makes sense - an opportunity to meet people and who knows, maybe make other types of deals!
Pegeen February 4, 2015
I love the swap idea but think it's hard to organize. There's a lot of trust involved in hoping that someone will ship you the goods (and pay for shipping). Also not sure where the profits come from, if it's a swap?
Panfusine February 4, 2015
I suppose it would have to be a local event meet up, combined with a little potluck food fun, swap, with each person contributing the value of what they got in the swapped towards a charity.
sdebrango February 4, 2015
I think it's a great idea Panfusine. I am constantly purchasing new props and have so many I don't use anymore.
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