How do you like to cook shad roe?

My fish monger just gave me a free sample of shad roe, now what? I have a pound and a quarter.

  • Posted by: NYNCtg
  • February 20, 2015


Summer O. February 22, 2015
My remember parents used to make shad roe all the time when I was growing up. I pulled out of one my mom's old cookbooks and it has 4 preparations. Here are a couple rephrased for brevity. Excuse that exact amounts aren't noted but the first one is for 1 pair of shad roe and the second for three pairs. There is a basic shad roe - sprinkled with salt and pepper and placed on greased aluminum foil. Add in some herbs such as parsley or dill and some butter, 2 tbsps. of white wine and seal up the foil around the shad roe on all sides and bake at 350 for 25 minutes, serve with lemon wedges. Another calls to saute butter and shallots add in 3/4 lbs. spinach and 1.5 cups of vermouth and cook uncovered for 10 minutes on each side. Remove the shad roe and the spinach and add in two cups of cream salt and pepper. Serve the sauce over the shad roe.
cookbookchick February 20, 2015
I simply sauté the roe in butter. I don't poach first. Delicious!
Greenstuff February 20, 2015
I poach it to cook it through and then saute it to crisp the outside a bit. Try not to tear the membrane. Maybe a little too homey for you if you're serving it for dinner, but I love it with scrambled eggs.
NYNCtg February 20, 2015
Thanks Greenstuff, eggs are always a popular dinner in my house. The Fish Monger said his mother would scramble it with the eggs, which I took to mean cooking them together. Do you mean to cook it as you say and serve the eggs with?
Greenstuff February 20, 2015
Right, I do not scramble them together, but serve them side by side.
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