If you plan on dinner, I'd suggest Bungalow 44 (on East Blithedale almost downtown). They have terrific food and it's casual. If you're coming down from Tam during the day try the old favorite, the Dipsea. Breakfast, lunch and brunch on weekends. They close at 4pm on weekends and 3pm on weekdays. They are on Shoreline in Tam Valley (same zip code as Mill Valley). Yes, I really have lived in Marin for 40 years and I love it!
p.s. here's what i found on chowhound: (When i did a Mt.Tam chowhound search, nothing came up)
aj, in addition to whatever good advice you get from 52ers, you might want to go to the San Fran area board on chowhound.com to ask this question or find past discussions about it. Chowhounds can be so good with restaurant suggestions.