Anything I can do to make a chocolate pudding pie set?

I'm making a chocolate pudding pie with a pudding made from egg yolks, cream, half an half, and sugar and the pudding is not quite as thick as I would like. It's in the pie shell and I'm worried it won't fully set in the fridge to be able to be cut. Is there anything I can do to save it?



Meatballs&Milkshakes March 15, 2015
Hahaha.... I think if it's not set by dinner, I may scoop out the unset part and mix into more whipped cream...we'll see...
Nancy March 15, 2015
It's an old trick...thus renaming and replaying. Glad you laughed. Have you thought of making a parfait, with ice cream or fruit?
ktr March 15, 2015
Some of the best recipes happen by accident. A family favorite dessert my grandma makes came about because she was out of chocolate but had cherries on hand.
ktr March 15, 2015
You could either remove the pudding from the pie shell and add more egg yolks, or if you don't want to remove it from the shell you could whisk in some instant clear jel or some instant chocolate pudding mix. You may want to just wait a few hours though and see if it thickens up as it cools. I made a banana cream pie once that took a full 24hrs to set up completely.
Nancy March 15, 2015
Agree with longer fridge time. Or freeze. Or - last ditch - replate & creatively rename the dessert.
Meatballs&Milkshakes March 15, 2015
I just realized why it isnt setting... The recipe was unclear and some of the cream was supposed to be reserved to make the whipped cream... Anything to fix the pudding if it had too much cream?
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