Ended up at Chelsea Market (killer hot dog at Dicksons and nopal taco across the way) and then stopped in Tia Pol later for anchovies and sherry. Thanks for the great suggestions everyone!
In addition to the great suggestions above, you could check out this guide: http://newyork.seriouseats.com/2014/01/where-to-eat-high-line-new-york-nyc.html (I *love* A Salt & Battery)
I would second the vote for the Chelsea Market if you are looking grab and go and there is also a sitdown seafood place run by the Lobster Place that is good. If you are looking a little fancier, Cookshop is great.
Hi Midge! Do you want something casual or a little fancier? Usually when we go to the High Line, we'll duck into Chelsea Market and grab something from Dicksons or one of the other shops there. But there are plenty of other spots nearby!