New Yorkers, looking for restaurants recs for lunch near High Line?

  • Posted by: Midge
  • March 16, 2015


Midge March 31, 2015
Ended up at Chelsea Market (killer hot dog at Dicksons and nopal taco across the way) and then stopped in Tia Pol later for anchovies and sherry. Thanks for the great suggestions everyone!
amysarah March 16, 2015
I second Tia Pol - love it - and Cookshop, and Trestle on 10th (at 24th or 25th) is also good for lunch.
Midge March 16, 2015
Perfect! Thanks so much everyone!
lastnightsdinner March 16, 2015
In addition to the great suggestions above, you could check out this guide: (I *love* A Salt & Battery)
keg72 March 16, 2015
I'll add my positive vote for Chelsea Market, but, for restaurants, in addition to Cookshop I'd recommend The Red Cat and Tia Pol.
Stu37 March 16, 2015
I would second the vote for the Chelsea Market if you are looking grab and go and there is also a sitdown seafood place run by the Lobster Place that is good. If you are looking a little fancier, Cookshop is great.
Midge March 16, 2015
Jen! Thanks so much. Leaning toward casual but open to anything.
lastnightsdinner March 16, 2015
Hi Midge! Do you want something casual or a little fancier? Usually when we go to the High Line, we'll duck into Chelsea Market and grab something from Dicksons or one of the other shops there. But there are plenty of other spots nearby!
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