I want to reorganize my "collections" into bettter-named folders without deleting the recipes. How can I do this? Many thanks, Julie

  • Posted by: julie
  • May 25, 2015


cookbookchick May 25, 2015
You can also assign the same recipe to more than one collection. For a simple example, a cheese omelet could be assigned to "cheese" and also to "eggs" if those are categories you have created. So, just click on a saved recipe, then click on the "save" button right above the left hand top corner of the recipe's photo,and save into whatever category you choose. Click again to save to an additional category. To create a new collection, scroll down to the bottom of the list of categories.
Susan W. May 25, 2015
I just start a new collection/folder with the name that I want and then go to the recipe and resale it to the new collect/folder. No need to delete it. You can uncheck the original folder after you've saved it to its new home if you'd like.
Susan W. May 25, 2015
Oops..I meant uncheck the recipe from the original collection if you'd like.
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