Can you substitute something for the walnut oil or is it crucial to the recipe?

Megan Town


boulangere June 22, 2015
I'm dreadfully allergic to nuts and nut oils. Here, I would sub a deeply flavorful extra-virgin olive oil, and sub roasted peanuts for the walnuts. That might sound heretical to some, but to those of us with nut allergies.........
Shannon June 22, 2015
Hi Megan,

I wouldn't say it's crucial, but if you have any other flavored oils on hand they might make a nice substitution. I've used a jalapeno-infused olive oil in lieu of the roasted walnut oil and it worked great (although was a lot spicier)!
PieceOfLayerCake June 19, 2015
It looks like its only to echo the flavor of the walnuts. You could just replace it with more olive oil.
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