Leftover frangipane

I have a small amount of frangipane leftover from making bostock. Would love ideas for simple ways to use it other than a tart or almond croissant! Cookies, cakes? Tarts are an obvious use but was looking for something different. Many thanks!

Posie (Harwood) Brien


HogarthPress September 21, 2015
I use any leftover frangipane as a base for any galette, which is similar to a tart but much easier to make!

I would also add some sliced almonds into the frangipane, and either make it into a chewy, crunchy streusel-like almond topping for a muffin or cake or bake it up first to use as a topping for ice cream!
PieceOfLayerCake September 20, 2015
I've just baked frangipane in mini muffin tins (well greased) and topped them with berries, glaze or cream. I served them as petit four at an even because my actual dessert didn't work out (worst day ever). I bolstered the frangipane with more coarsely chopped almonds and a touch of Amaretto, but frangipane is lovely as is.
Sarah J. September 20, 2015
Chop it up and put it into scones. OR MANDELBREAD! http://mynameisyeh.com/mynameisyeh/2013/12/recipe-marzipan-mandel-bread-with-cacao-nibs-and-sea-salt Those are incredible.
Nancy September 20, 2015
use it like custard in a mini version of trifle
or as glue between the two halves of a macaron
or mixed with brandy and shaken with ice for a rich cocktail
sexyLAMBCHOPx September 20, 2015
I would chop it up and blend in some vanilla ice cream.
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