This looks great, but it seems an ingredient and part of the instructions are missing. How much coconut milk is to be added eggs? In step 3, what... I to remove from the heat

  • Posted by: Lyn
  • October 8, 2015
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

702551 October 9, 2015
As is depressingly frequent here at Food52 (and many other food sites), the editorial scrutiny of this recipe is appallingly poor.

If you search for this recipe on Google, you will find this page:

that lists the missing ingredients and missing step.

Once again, this is a lesson that reader-contributed recipes at sites like are often riddled with errors and the wise reader should check these recipe submissions with those posted elsewhere (by the same author).

This is not a specific criticism of Food52 recipe contributors. This is an ongoing plague of poor writing and copy editing by dilettantes of many activities (cooking, computer repair, basket weaving, whatever). Copy editing on the Internet SUCKS.

A wise Internet reader keeps this notion in the back of his/her mind whenever online.

Good luck.
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