Altering a recipe...

I've entered a recipe into the Best Savory Apples contest, and I've been alerted to a discrepancy in the procedure. For some reason there doesn't seem to be a way to edit the recipe. Does the fact that I've submitted it to an active contest prevent me from editing it?



HalfPint October 9, 2015
Shouldn't be a problem. Just go to your recipe and click on Edit Recipe button, just above the head notes, usually next to the add photo button. You should be able to edit even if you've submitted the recipe for a contest. But I have noticed in the past, that there's a time lag with edits. Usually takes a day to update any edits. That problem may have been fixed.

So if you don't have the edit button, contact let the techies at Food52 know.
Niknud October 9, 2015
Oh welcome to my world. I call it The Baking Powder Fail. I hopefully submitted my Chicken and Biscuits recipe to the One Pot Meal contest and, as they tend to do, the contest closed. No more editing. At that point I realized that I had completely horked up the amount of baking powder/baking soda through silly typo probably brought on by too much caffeine and not enough sleep. Here is what you do: throw yourself on the mercy of the Food52 editors. Make big sad puppy eyes and use your manners. I made the case that it was a legit typo and not trying to add a random ingredient after the fact. They helped me. If you want a good laugh you can go look at my increasingly frantic 'comments' to my recipe when I figured out what I had done. Which, by the way, is a good second option if you can't get ahold of the editors and just hope that folks read the comments. Best of luck to you!
PieceOfLayerCake October 9, 2015
Oh wow....sounds like a hassle, and for such an important ingredient! Thank goodness mine isn't too terribly essential. Thank you for sharing your harrowing account.
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