how to replace heavy cream in chocolate ganache?

need to top cupcakes -
no heavy cream in fridge!

  • Posted by: Mili
  • October 16, 2015


rt21 October 16, 2015
Do you have a ripe avocado ?
It's rich creamy and you would have no idea you used one in the end product
Nancy October 16, 2015
Agree. I've made chocolate avocado mousse and it was wonderful.
There are several recipes on the web, some have exotic extra ingredients like almond milk. The one I make most often (but cannot locate) has only avocado, maple syrup, cocoa powder, vanilla extract and a little coconut butter (sometimes I omit the last or use olive oil instead).
So do a google search and make one that has ingredients you have on hand.
But I wouldn't use the avocado in a cooked ganache.
Just use the mousse straight as the frosting, and eat any leftovers as dessert.
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