Have you ever made pasta with pistachios, cream and bacon?

Hello guys, this is my first time here i found out this recipe (that actually is from sicily) and it looks very delicious, have you ever made something like this? It looks a bit hard due the amount of different ingredients contained, what do you think about?

Stefano Saitta
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Jona @. October 23, 2015
I haven't made it but it sounds really good. I'm gonna try making pasta with those ingredients too!
Nancy October 22, 2015
another possible recipe:
Angela October 22, 2015
Man, now I'm really hungry! These all look pretty good.
Angela October 22, 2015
Maybe this recipe? http://www.fornellocurioso.it/ricetta/ricetta-pasta-asparagi-speck-finocchio-selvatico-e-granella-di-pistacchi/
I don't understand much Italian, but it doesn't seem too complicated. If you are nervous about making the recipe, make sure you have plenty of time to cook, read through the instructions several times, and measure out all the ingredients before you start to cook anything.
Nancy October 22, 2015
because the photos match, I'm guessing you refer to this recipe. https://food52.com/recipes/27396-sugo-con-i-broccoli-alla-siciliana-pasta-with-broccoli-olives-and-pistachios
Think of the basic dish as 1 vegetable, 1 pasta, cheese, olive oil, salt & garlic.
Not very complicated, but also not very Sicilian.
Ingredients for the rest of the sauce (sugo), however, are: anchovy, caper, olive, pistachio, chile.
If those are too many or too much for you, start by making this dish with one or two of them.
If still too much, look for a simpler recipe to cook for now, and come back to this another day.
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