I am making a sweet potato pie with a meringue crust. It says to use a blowtorch, can I bake it for a few minutes with the rest of the pie instead?

It specifically says NOT to use the broiler, I just want to be sure not to overbake the filling by putting the pie in for a second time with the meringue.



Bevi November 30, 2015
I do have to add that a baby blowtorch is on my Xmas list!
luvcookbooks November 29, 2015
As the Bronxbaker's mom, I can say this was great advice. It was a Sweet Potato Meringue Pie with Gingersnap Crust from the book Baked Occasions.

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hardlikearmour November 27, 2015
I think w/o a blow torch your safest bet at not overcooking the pie is to let the oven cool quite a bit, then use the broiler (despite what the recipe says). That way the heat is coming from above, where the pie has a layer of insulation.
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