Raw Weight v.s. Baked Weight

Does anyone know if raw weight of cookies, breads, cakes- is the same after those items have been baked?

LeBec Fin


JuJu July 12, 2018
International School of Baking is correct entry -- Cooking is a typo.
JuJu July 12, 2018
Can definitely see cookie weight after baking to be ~2% difference. Best method for testing is, indeed, an accurate food scale.

Breads are around 10%.

Should anyone else stumble across this older thread, the International School of Cooking has an excellent article on baking weights for various breads and pastries.

Just enter search phrase, "dough tips International School of Baking" in browser app.
Windischgirl December 17, 2015
At least for breads, the baked weight is slightly less, as the water in the dough turns to steam and then dissipates. Imagine it would be the same for all baked goods. Somewhere I've seen the ratios but it's not coming to mind at the moment...
Susan W. December 17, 2015
Okay, this is funny. I made my version of Kenji's chocolate cookies today. The dough is in balls having its 24 hour rest. I've been arguing with myself about having one right now. I'll take one for the team and weigh it raw and again in 13 minutes after baking it. My guess is that the weight won't change.
Susan W. December 17, 2015
One raw cookie = 42 grams.
Susan W. December 17, 2015
Cookie baked = 40 grams.
laura May 23, 2018
That makes sense because the moisture bakes off. Thanks for your post.
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