I'm trying to decide how much to make. Can leftovers be frozen?

  • Posted by: drose
  • December 21, 2015
Spinach Gratin
Recipe question for: Spinach Gratin


Nancy December 22, 2015
In the comments, Jane says she freezes it often but unbaked and without final topping. So if you don't need the whole recipe at one sitting, but want to amortize the work, make a full recipe, freeze part unbaked and without topping, finish the other part for a current dinner.
Samantha W. December 22, 2015
Hi drose!

You could freeze this recipe once it's been fully made, but the breadcrumbs will probably get soggy. Here are a few suggestions to avoid that:

You could top and bake only the portion that you are making immediately. The base should freeze well, but you won't want to top and bake it until the day you're eating it.

If you want to make it all in one sitting, you could easily turn the leftovers into a hash the next day and top it with an egg.
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