I accidentally added milk to my crockpot potato soup at the beginning will this still be ok?

I accidentally added milk to my crockpot potato soup at the beginning will this still be ok?

Kristin Joy Collazo


Majella T. February 10, 2019
I added milk to my chicken carbonara at the start now half way through its curdled .....what can I do?...... worried..
Majella T. February 10, 2019
I added milk to my chicken carbonara at the start now half way through its curdled .....what can I do?...... worried..
arcane54 January 1, 2016
Likely too late for your potato soup, but in case someone else has the same experience-- I have fixed broken soups with some softened butter and flour mixed to a paste (1:2 ratio). Whisk it into your soup and it can bring the ingredients together. I learned that from the Joy of Cooking split pea soup recipe. Hope your soup was delicious!
702551 December 28, 2015
It really depends on the recipe, but typically soups are made without dairy at the beginning. The dairy is added at the end as an emulsifier/thickener because the creaminess breaks down quickly.

Fancy white-tablecloth restaurants make basic soup bases without dairy/thickeners, then finish the soup portions to order, with fresh garnishes, dairy/other thickeners/emulsifiers (including butter), etc.

Most likely your soup will be fine and it won't make you sick. Will it be ideal? Probably not. Will it be good enough to serve to family? That's your call, but my guess is yes.

You will likely need to add some more dairy at the end for creaminess. This will unbalance what the recipe author intended, but that's an unavoidable consequence for your error.

In a fancy restaurant, the botched soup would probably be served to staff at the "family meal" and a fresh, correctly batch would be made for actual service.

Good luck.
Susan W. December 28, 2015
Usually, it's best to add dairy at the end because it could break. However, it may not. It won't make you sick.
Kristin J. December 28, 2015
yes it looked like it did break :( just don't want to make my family sick lol
Susan W. December 28, 2015
No, it won't make anyone sick. It's just not pretty. Do you have an immersion blender? It may smooth it out. Or a regular blender.
ktr December 28, 2015
The recipe I use calls for milk right at the beginning so I'd think it would be fine.
Kristin J. December 28, 2015
it actually calls for evaporated milk but i was out of it and used regular milk and now after reading other recipes i see where its saying not to add in milk at beginning of cooking... would it go bad or make us sick?
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