Do you rinse preserved lemon before using?
I finally preserved some of my Meyer lemons a while back and am hot to try some recipes, but I notice none of them say anything about rinsing them before using. I only used salt, no sugar, so I wondered whether they might be too salty to use as is in a recipe. So, rinse or no rinse? Thanks!
MaedlJanuary 13, 2016
Pureeing preserved lemon sounds like a good idea. Do you take the seeds out before pureeing?
I took some cooking lessons in Morocco and have no recollection of washing the lemons. I don't wash sauerkraut either--why wash away the good flavor?
I took some cooking lessons in Morocco and have no recollection of washing the lemons. I don't wash sauerkraut either--why wash away the good flavor?
Susan W.January 13, 2016
I did take as many seeds out as we're visible. These Meyer lemons were full of them. I can see an occasional than speck, so I assume it's from absconded seeds. Not sure why I rinse them, but I do know I use a lot more salt to preserve lemons than when I make sauerkraut. I just tasted the puree and it would not be wrong at all if it was saltier. It did make removing the seeds easier.
creamteaJanuary 13, 2016
Paula Wolfert advises to rinse them. I sometimes rinse, I sometimes "forget" and that's fine. You can nibble a bit and see; if they're very salty, rinse. If adding to a dish that will be cooked, you may want to rinse to avoid concentrating the salt; if using a small amount in a salad or uncooked dish, you may not need to rinse. (like Susan, I also utilize leftover bit of brine for salad dressings, etc.)
Susan W.January 13, 2016
Cremated, when I say puree, I actually took all of the peel and pulp (after a quick rinse) and pureed it my blender with some of the liquid. It's in a glass container in my fridge and I just dip into it when I want a lemony punch in a dish. I really am liking it. I made some mayo the other day and used it instead of lemon juice. It's the best mayo that I've made. I also mixed it with olive oil and slapped it on a chicken before roasting. Delicious!
Diana B.January 13, 2016
Susan, I saw this online yesterday, so I'm very glad to hear someone has tried and liked it!
Susan W.January 13, 2016
Diana B, that's exactly where I got it. Mine isn't quite as perfectly smooth as hers. I probably could have added more of the liquid. I will next time. I did top the jar off with olive oil (I do what I'm told), but I'm not sure it's necessary.

NancyJanuary 13, 2016
SusanW - this creamy pureed version sounds wonderful! Thanks for telling us about it.
healthierkitchenJanuary 14, 2016
In New Moroccan, Mourad has a formula for making a puree with olive oil and then mixing some of the puree with store bought mayonnaise.
NancyJanuary 13, 2016
Not your question, but another thing to do when taking them out of the jar and before using them in a recipe is to trim off any bits of membrane that survived the preserving process. The real item, the real gem, is the preserved rind, which can be used in large chunks hot dishes like soups or stews, or nicely diced and used in cold dishes like salad or as a fish garnish.
Susan W.January 13, 2016
I rinse mine. I actually pureed mine this time. I rinsed them, but also used the salty liquid. The puree is delicious. I may try not rinsing them next time after reading Maedl's response.
MaedlJanuary 13, 2016
I don't rinse them. You might use less salt than the recipe calls for when you cook. You can always add salt later in the cooking process.
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