Looking for a recipe for a caviar dip that has concentric rings with eggs, creme fraiche, onion...
My friend's mom used to make for parties in the 80s and it was so good...you take a cracker or chip and slide it towards the center where the caviar is. I just can't remember what all was in it. Thanks
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This layered dish combines egg salad and caviar appetizer together with other great toppings like cream cheese and crisp onion. Your first step would be to prepare an egg salad (eggs, mayo, sour cream), put it on a plate, top in with onions, then spread mixed cream cheese with chives, and finish the dish with caviar on the top. After a few hours in the fridge, your dip is ready for serving.
Caviar has some traditional condiments: crème fraîche, chopped hard-boiled egg yolks, chopped hard-boiled egg whites, red onions, chives, capers.
You'd just put a bunch of concentric rings on the plate and fill up each discrete zone with a different ingredient depending on what you personally felt was the right proportion. The caviar -- as the expensive ingredient and focus -- would be in the center, but everything else could change positions. Of course, you could make some rings more narrow and other rings more wide to control the amount of ingredient or provide visual interest.
You really don't need a written document to do this. Just find a bunch of metal rings of different diameters and put whatever ingredients you want on the plate.
You could do the same thing with nacho dip (salsa, sour cream, guacamole, beans, etc.). I've seen a striped version of the nacho dip before.
Note that this type of presentation requires a certain amount of "buy-in" or acceptance by the diners. If someone doesn't like dairy, they will try to avoid that and all of a sudden, a clean orderly "scoop" is over.
Maybe this will work. If it doesn't, Google mother would know caviar pie
Something like this?