Cooked lasagna noodles: can I assemble tomorrow? Making lasagna roll-ups for freezer,have all of the parts ready but no containers till tomorrow

Our stores are closed today, so I cannot get the containers today! I need a specific size for the freezing I'm doing, and only have one here. The lasagna noodles are cooked and laid out on greased cookie sheets, the filling is made, and the vegetable sauce is made. I just don't know if I can use the noodles tomorrow, once we can purchase the specific containers, or is it critical enough to use them now that I need to completely change my plans?



FoodFanaticToo March 28, 2016
Semantics, semantics ?
Windischgirl March 27, 2016
The noodles should be fine. Cover the cookie sheets with plastic and store in the fridge. You already took the step of oiling them and spreading them out--the crucial thing is making sure there is no excess moisture but that they don't dry out either, and you have that covered.
FoodFanaticToo March 28, 2016
Thank you so much
Windischgirl March 28, 2016
You're welcome! Sounds tasty...I haven't made roll-ups in ages!
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