Oven is not working- I have a batch of bread dough sitting in my fridge!
So about a week ago, I decided to whip up a batch of No Knead Sandwich bread and the PLAN was to bake it the day after I made the dough, but turns out my oven is not working! How long can I keep the dough until it's not usable anymore? We are supposed to be getting a new oven but honestly don't have any idea when. https://food52.com/recipes...
This would be much more difficult to do in a charcoal-fired grill since temperature control is much more challenging but an experienced griller might be able to manage.
I assume borrowing a friend's oven for a couple of hours is out of the question since you don't mention it at all.
If you do freeze it, it would be prudent if you bake it with the assumption that it will fail (that is, don't count on it to work). If it does fail, you'll be out an hour of your time. Bread dough is made from some of the cheapest ingredients in your kitchen, so there's little damage to your wallet. It's not like losing a $70 prime rib after all.
Anyhow, good luck.
It's not perfect bread. It won't have that lovely golden crust (you'll have to toast the bread if you can). The crust will be soft, but some people like that. And it might not rise as much as it would if you had the oven (i.e. no oven-spring). But in a pinch, your bread will be made and will taste good.
I have no experience freezing the dough, especially no-knead bread dough. My gut tells me that it probably won't work. There isn't enough yeast used and it might not survive the freezing process. I've seen a lot of bread doughs that can be frozen and they have almost double the amount of yeast to compensate of some of the yeast dying in the freezer. But that's just my theory. Try the slow cooker, but don't leave the bread in there for too long or it becomes a gummy mess from all the condensation (I speak from personal experience).