So sad about Bill Cunningham

Legendary Bill Cunningham, cultural anthropologist and fashion photographer for the New York Times, has passed. His column has been part of my Sunday ritual for decades. Need to find a good sausage, egg and cheese recipe - apparently one of his favorites at the deli across the street from his NYC apartment. RIP, Bill. You brought us so much insight and pleasure, for so very many years. God bless.

  • Posted by: Pegeen
  • June 26, 2016


Nancy July 2, 2016
Update: Eiffel Tower was lit in (his) blue as memorial. Some are lobbying for Empire State bldg to do the same.
creamtea June 26, 2016
I agree. Loved his Sunday column.
Pegeen June 26, 2016
amysarah, what a beautiful memory and recounting! You should submit it:
I remember reading stories in The Times when the Carnegie Hall apartments had to be vacated and Bill was one of those affected. There was also an article, I think, showing his spartan studio with a mattress on top of filing cabinets as his "loft" bed. Not a life or talent that will be repeated anytime soon.
amysarah June 26, 2016
It is very sad. Also part of my Sunday ritual for ages. On a personal note, one of my first jobs out of school was at an office in the building above Carnegie Hall. At that time it was full of rehearsal studios for dance, music and opera, and small creative firms. Very colorful - dancers lacing their slippers in the hallway outside our studio, singing and violins coming through the walls and shared vents. There were also a few older artists who'd lived there forever, including Bill Cunningham. I saw him occasionally coming in and out, and in the elevator. He was already a NYC fixture. Always polite, less flamboyant than some other residents, but quite recognizable with his camera around his neck. It's gone now, replaced by a Iuxury high rise. I have a lot of nostalgia for that time in my life, so his passing feels personally significant too - sort of end of an era. (Btw, a classic NYC deli sausage egg cheese, needs no recipe...simply an egg cooked on the griddle, a sausage patty and American cheese - yep, American - on a kaiser roll. Far greater than the sum of its parts!)
Pegeen June 26, 2016
Think I'll make these
to bring to a friend's while we watch the documentary on him. Who can take his place?
Nancy June 26, 2016
Pegeen - agree. Just tweeted about him. Such a wonderful fixture in the life and recording of the city; such a good eye. RIP Bill.
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