Any suggestions for use of a good quantity of Meyer lemons other than pickling or confit?



CottageGourmet January 25, 2011
I'm with pierino, roasting Meyer lemons with chicken is awesome, they caramelize like nobody's business in the chicken fat and lend a floral note to the bird itself.
always040 January 25, 2011
Send them to those of us less fortunate in the North! Seriously, though - if you always get stuck, you can freeze the zest/peel and juice for later when you figure out what to do with it. I really like the idea of using it all, a la
foongfest January 25, 2011
Thanks for all the input folks, these are all awesome!
pierino January 25, 2011
Meyer lemons are a hybrid variety. I'm pretty sure they first hatched here in California. Very sweet.
Anitalectric January 25, 2011
As a baker, I think the zest is ten times more valuable than the juice. To save it for future recipes, use this restaraunt trick: zest as many lemons as you want and transfer to small Tupperware containers. Squeeze in just enough juice to get them very wet. Freeze! You will have individual, recipe-sized portions a the ready year-round.
katiebakes January 25, 2011
Meyer lemons make delicious salad dressing. substitute meyer lemon juice for regular lemon juice in any lemon vinaigrette. Be sure to add in some zest!
innoabrd January 25, 2011
I've still never tasted Meyer lemons. Finally had to plant my own tree. Nothing the first year, but now I've got nearly twenty on it and eventually I'll be able to see what all the fuss is about! Not sure when they'll come ripe. I've got another lemon tree that came with the house which seems to ripen just before spring hits. My limes, however, are usually ready in the autumn. Go figure...
betteirene January 24, 2011
This will use up one or two of them. Just substitute the Meyer lemons measure-for-measure for the lime juice and zest.

It's really, really good--I've made this about once a month since it was posted. It's especially refreshing after a spicy Mexican, Thai or Jamaican meal.
Gourmando January 24, 2011
I make preserved lemons with Meyer lemons
pierino January 24, 2011
What do I think? I think roast chicken. Pierce 'em with a fork and stuff one or two into the cavity of the bird. Rub the chicken down with some olive oil and sea salt. Best thing you've ever eaten in your life. Meyer lemons are perfect for this.
RobertaJ January 24, 2011
Lemon curd, lemon pudding, lemon ice cream. This meyer lemon budino is fabulous, and a cross between a pudding and souffle. Very easy too. Meyer lemon ice cream sandwiched between 2 waffle cookies is one of the best desserts I've ever made. Meyer lemon marmelade is pretty special too.
emily_wendt January 24, 2011
Taramousalata is a cod fish roe dip that, if made with meyer lemons, is really good.
hardlikearmour January 24, 2011
lemon curd is always delicious.
Dymnyno's lemon tart is too die for good:
meyer lemon marmalade:
limoncello or less-involve lemon-infused vodka or gin:
maryvelasquez January 24, 2011
Try Lazy Mary's Lemon Tart on the food52 website. Delicious and easy.
ichibanbrianne January 24, 2011
Meyer lemons make amazing lemon meringue pie, just pay attention to the added sugar based on the sweetness of the lemons.
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