How do you access (keep)the recipes you tend to use often

I have a series of often used recipes that I need at my fingertips rather than drag out my iPad and search. I have an envelope taped to the inside door of my cabinet and recipe cards placed there such as pancakes, quick rolls, stock, pesto and other basics. What do you do? I'd love other ideas. Thanks.



pierino September 10, 2016
For awhile I was using annual diaries to remember what I cooked or where I dined on a particular day. Then I fell out of the habit. Still it's helpful to go back to them now.
Linda C. September 10, 2016
After years of recipe collection and hours lost searching for recipes I have gone back to 3 x 5 index cards for the most often needed recipes. I can tuck them into the front of one of my kitchen drawers for handy access. I often only List the ingredients, oven temp or other often forgotten details Since these are often used recipes I find I do Not need the instructions beyond oven temp and cooking times.
Picholine September 4, 2016
Thanks for all the great ideas!
PhillipBrandon September 2, 2016
My wife and I have a shared folder in Google Docs where we keep most things. We tend to re-write/re-format things for make them more clear to follow in a kitchen, and that way we can annotate things as we go. It also means we can get to anything from any computer or smart phone, which is really useful when we're visiting family and want to make something.

I have a few sentimental recipes hand copied into a book I got when I left home, but it's not our everyday recipe dumping ground that Drive is.
MMH September 2, 2016
I have a 3 ring binder that zips shut all the way around so I can stick all kinds of things in it. I use clear plastic sleeves also. I experimented with storing them on line but found that what's most valuable to me are the notes I'd written to document tweeks I'd made to recipes or things I'd do differently next time.
SKK September 2, 2016
I too use the three ring binder technique with printed recipes and clear pocket covers. Have a separate binder for all my canning, dehydrating and preserving recipes.
cranberry September 2, 2016
I also use a three ring binder with those clear "pockets" to,hold the print outs. I have it organized by day to day favorites and then my favorites for various holidays.
Stephanie G. September 1, 2016
The ones I use often are pretty much memorized, but I also have a 3 ring binder for my favorites or ones I want to make in the future.
Nancy September 1, 2016
I keep printed copies of recipes I use often in an old-fashioned 3-ring binder, then pull one out and hang it (by magnet) on the fridge while I work. So recipe is visible, but I don't need to handle it it (muck it up with dough, etc) while I'm cooking.
Similar ideas (or if you don't have a magnet-holding fridge):
* put hard copies of the few recipes you regularly need on a clip board
* depending on preference or space available, hang the clipboard on a wall or prop it on a cookbook stand
* put the current recipe (the one you're making now) on top of the clipboard.
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