I bought mussels from Costco today what is the shelf life
pierinoSeptember 17, 2016
The FDA says 5 to 10 days which I think is a big stretch. Since you don't know how long they've been on ice in the warehouse. I would use them within two days. Freezing them is a big DO NOT.
Susan W.September 17, 2016
A tip from my fishmonger. If they are in a bag, leave the top open. They need to breathe.
inpatskitchenSeptember 17, 2016
No tag? They should be labeled as to when they were harvested. They should be good as long as they stay closed. Keep them on ice and use them within two days to be safe.
GreenstuffSeptember 17, 2016
Be sure they are on ice rather than in ice--they drown in freshwater.
702551September 16, 2016
Live, precooked, frozen?
702551September 17, 2016
I cook live shellfish the day I buy it.
Once or twice in the past decade, I let it go until the next day (as inpatskitchen refers to), but that's not a winning proposition. The shellfish isn't getting any better and you will have lower yields due to more dead mussels which should be discarded. That means you get less for the same amount of money the longer you don't cook them.
Cooked mussels can last several days in the fridge.
Good luck.
Once or twice in the past decade, I let it go until the next day (as inpatskitchen refers to), but that's not a winning proposition. The shellfish isn't getting any better and you will have lower yields due to more dead mussels which should be discarded. That means you get less for the same amount of money the longer you don't cook them.
Cooked mussels can last several days in the fridge.
Good luck.
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