Favorite baking cookbooks?

In honor of our Fall Cookbook Cake Parade (https://food52.com/topics...), we want to know what baking cookbooks you turn to time and time again? Where do you turn for cake inspiration?

Lindsay-Jean Hard


Ginger S. October 19, 2016
I have three standard cookbooks I always refer to when I want to bake a cake, one is a magazine Fine Cooking Sweet Cakes- A Special Holiday Baking Issue, Rose Levy Beranbaum The Cake Bible, and Maida Heatter's New Book of Great Desserts. Alice Medrich's Flavor Flours has been my gluten free inspiration.
Smaug October 18, 2016
Maida Heatter was the one that first got me serious about baking, lo these many years ago; still haven't found anything to match her books.
ChefJune October 18, 2016
Cake Inspiration lately has been coming from my dear friend and master baker Maria Reisz Springer. The cakes she's been posting on facebook are really revving me up for the coming holidays.
Favorite baking cookbooks! Nick Malgieri's "Great Italian Desserts," and "Perfect Pastry," Nancie McDermott's "Southern Cakes." have all been in rotation lately.
Elizabeth V. October 18, 2016
Flour by Joanne Chang. Everything turns out good!
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