Anybody have a recipe for pigs in a blanket wrapped in bread dough? When the 125th St. Fairway first opened, they baked them and sold them warm from the bakery counter. I still jones for them whenever pigs in a blanket cross my mind and my daughter loved them, too.



luvcookbooks September 16, 2010
Thank you for your detailed and thoughtful response. I'm dazzled by your being able to put together a recipe so quickly and confidently-- used to be a biscuit pig in a blanket person also, but after eating these there was no way back. Made my day!
AntoniaJames September 16, 2010
Have never seen the Fairway kind, and I'm totally a homemade biscuit-style pig-in-blanket person, but . . . . if I were doing it with bread dough, I'd make a Butterhorn Rolls dough (there's a great recipe here on food52, posted last fall), and would cook the sausages well before wrapping them with the dough (or heat them if you're buying pre-cooked sausages). Then I'd slather the inside of the dough pieces with a good brown mustard (garlicky or full of horseradish). Then I'd figure the cooking time based on the dough. So, if you're using half the dough required for a Butterhorn Roll, cook for half the time you would bake the roll, but use your judgment of course. It could take longer, it could take less. You'll know when they're done! Serve with caramelized onions and braised sauerkraut - the kind that the German sausage stands at ballparks typically offer. Yummmm. ;o)
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