Help! My creamed onions are too thin! #onions

Ann Hood
  • Posted by: Ann Hood
  • November 24, 2016


Michael R. November 24, 2016
Presumably this is a cream sauce and someone doubled the liquid with out doubling thickening, or simply mismeasured the amount of thickenr. Was it a roux? This is a great question because like the pastry cream, like the gravy, it's all about consistency. Don't know how much you have, but take 1/2 cup of the liquid (make sure it's cold) and add enough cornstarch (1/2 cup or a little less) to it and mix. Should be consistency of heavy cream. This is a slurry. Bring onions to a simmer and slowly whisk in the slurry, gradually, until it thickens to your desire. This also will turn a rich turkey stock into a delicious gravy.
Nancy November 24, 2016
Is it the sauce that's too thin?
If yes, what's in it already?
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