Piquante Pecan pie recipe

Recipe for a Piquante Pecan pie?? We had one and it disappeared, it was an old family recipe.. any ideas? My Mom just cannot remember all the ingredients and steps....Thanks!

  • Posted by: Tracey
  • November 25, 2016


Smaug November 25, 2016
A bit of poking around via BING did turn up a few recipes for piquant, or deviled, pecans and an aborted Chowhound discussion. They seem, however, to run to some ingredients- Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, garlic powder, hot sauce etc.- that would make for a sort of peculiar pie.
Nancy November 25, 2016
If you can remember who started making this pie (your Mom, one of your grandmothers?), when and where, you might search community cookbooks from there and then.
Smaug November 25, 2016
I would assume that's a pecan pie with some heat- was it noticeably different from other pecan pies in other ways? It's going to be tough actually coming up with an old family recipe, but the steps in a pecan pie tend to be pretty basic.
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