vodka-infused raspberry pulp - ideas for using it!

We just made some raspberry infused vodka. The raspberries were mashed and are now a pale pink mass, strongly resembling ground pork. I have a couple cups of it. There's enough essence so that it is tasty, although obviously very alcoholic-tasting....what can I do with it?? IS there a way to bake with it? Thanks for any creative ideas.

  • Posted by: LaMar
  • December 21, 2016


Niknud December 22, 2016
This isn't baking, but I would mix with limeade for a grownup raspberry-lime rickey. Or mix it with soda water and a few drops of bitters. Or sparkling wine. Or orange juice. Now I want all of these. :)
creamtea December 21, 2016
along the same lines, make a vanilla custard, and layer it with the berries and top with whipped cream and maybe something cruncy like sliced toasted almonds and/or crushed cookies or sliced poundcake
Windischgirl December 22, 2016
Yes, I was thinking add-in to a trifle, which seems like what you're describing...getting hungry and it's only breakfast time!
Diane L. December 21, 2016
make a fool by mixing it into whipped cream-for adults, obviously. Or spread it across ladyfingers or butter cookies. Again, adults. Possibly add marzipan or Nutella. Maybe make a sort of shortcake with plain sugar biscuits; slice bought pound cake or home-made, add whipped cream. Rather like the English fool, but uses up your raspberries. Happy holidays!
Nancy December 22, 2016
Along the same lines, use it as filling, topping or dipping sauce for other baked goods like:
*biscotti (a relatively plain recipe)
*meringue (layer cake or Pavlova)
*puff pastry (profiteroles, cream horns, etc).

Or be really decadent ;) and put them in a Christmas smoothie or milkshake (leftover treats for the cook)
LaMar December 22, 2016
Is a fool like a trifle? I will look it up. Because trifle is one of my most favorite desserts, and for some reason that never even occurred to me. Thanks!
Connor B. December 21, 2016
Mixing into ice cream could make for some fun combos, although December might not be the most ideal time to make it. :)
LaMar December 22, 2016
I'm from New England, where any time of year is ice cream time of year. I don't make it and didn't know if that amount of alcohol might mess with the process. However, I have a friend who loves experimenting with ice cream recipes, I will gift her some!
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