Here's one for my fellow foodpicklers: The LA Times kitchen tip this week suggests saving Parmigiano cheese rinds to toss into a soup or stew, which I already do. But the tip recommends freezing them until needed. What if you haven't frozen them? How long will they last refrigerated? I have some that are pretty long in the tooth -- can I still use them in a soup? They're not moldy, just really old.



cookbookchick February 10, 2011
Thanks everybody! I guess I'll just keep doin' what I'm doin', but I better buckle down and start making more soup. i do use a lot of Parmigiano and the rinds are piling up -- in a heavy duty plastic bag in the back of my fridge, just like mrslarkin. casa-giardino, what is that delicious-looking concoction in your photo?
latoscana February 10, 2011
Even when they are very old and hard as a rock, they add wonderful flavor.
casa-giardino February 10, 2011
I agree. I keep it in the fridge.
jwolfsthal February 10, 2011
no mond, then good to go. It is aged cheese and unless it smells off or looks funky, it will be fine.
healthierkitchen February 10, 2011
I never remember to freeze them either and I don't think I've ever had to throw one out. They seem to last forever.
pierino February 10, 2011
If there is no visible mold (which could be scraped off anyway) they are fine. And this is a good way to add a little flavor boost to minestre. Of course a prosciutto bone also works wonders.
aargersi February 10, 2011
I agree - oldie does not necessarily = moldy. I say smell them - if they smell like stinky feet, chuck 'rem, if they smell like parmesan - into the pot they go!
mrslarkin February 10, 2011
I've got some oldies stashed in the fridge cheese drawer, too, in a heavy duty plastic freezer bag. In the way back, where it's coldest. Every time I dig one out, I tell myself "I should put those in the freezer". They're still tasty. As long as it's a hard cheese rind, and not moldy, I think we're fine. I mean, Parmigiano is aged for years anyway, right?

But, henceforth, maybe we should start putting them in the freezer.
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