My macarons are browning before they are finished baking.
They are starting to brown around the 9 minute mark at 325F. They aren't finished baking until 10.5/11 min. They come out of the oven a toasty golden color like you would want your other goodies to look like but they are no longer pastel pink or green. They aren't burnt because they still melt in your mouth, taste good and don't crack/crunch. How can I prevent the browning? This happened to 2 batches of batter (about 8 different pans worth). I considered covering the top of the pan with foil but I didn't know if that would ruin them.
Sanity check here: http://www.seriouseats...
#2 - Be sure you are not using a dark baking pan!
#3 - Don't use a convection oven for macarons. Go with your regular setting.
I'm having the same exact problem you're having. did you ever find a solution?