What to cook for guests who can't eat dairy, meat, onions, garlic, gluten, beans & more?
I am cook & will eat anything. Old friends & my spouse getting increasingly restrictive on diets and it's getting very difficult to have a dinner party. Any ideas?
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I'm with you though: I can understand food allergies (I can't digest onions or garlic) but I don't expect anyone to tailor their menu to me. I take my enzymes and eat around the problem food.
It does feel as if some people are now becoming afraid of food. And in my mind, real food is one of the joys of life!
Does "meat" include sea food? If you can serve seafood, that's another whole world of things that work very well salted and grilled.
My suggestion is to have a hot griddle over your gas grill outside and just empty a vegetable cart on it. Go tapas style, so individual restrictions don't limit everyone.
Good luck.
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