Any ideas on how to stew okra without ending up with a slimy mess?
In Africa they eat okra cooked with a few spices, and chopped onions... stewed with water. That's it. The result tastes great but the texture is way slimy. Any ideas on how to improve this? Is there a way?
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Your question has stuck with me all week.
I usually fry okra in cornmeal, and the "slime" helps the coating stay on, so I slice the pods directly into the seasoned breading.
Last summer was a cool one and I got a grand total of two (2!) pods. I don't think Seattle and okra go together real well.
Tonight I'm cooking up a Jambalaya, which also combines French slave kitchen techniques in the local mess-up. Its very name is a mix of French, African and Acadian. No okra involved. Yet.
My reference for cajun/creole cuisine is The Gumbo Pages by Chuck Taggart. Here's a link to his recipe for Okra and Tomatoes: