What size ramekin gets the most use in your kitchen?

I have 8 ounce dessert cups (not oven-proof) and 16 ounce soup bowls (that are ovenproof). I want to try some recipes like Lemon Sponge Cups, Pudding Chomeur & Molten Lava Cakes & am thinking of buying 8 ounce oven-proof ramekins. Do you think this is a good size for individual servings of rich, fresh-from-the-oven desserts?

Blissful Baker


Blissful B. February 23, 2011
6 ounce it is! Thanks everyone.
Sam1148 February 22, 2011
The ones that get the most use are really ramikins, but small pyrex bowls. About 3 inches. They're used for mise en place. I have a set nicer ones, 6oz, used for creme brulee.
I don't do deserts much.

hardlikearmour February 22, 2011
I like my 6-oz for individual dessert size, especially with a rich dessert. For a fruit crisp or other less rich dessert I'd go with 8-oz.
Splash O. February 22, 2011
I made the lemon sponge cakes in 7-ounce ramekins and was really happy with how they turned out. Much larger than that, and they start getting a bit too big for individual servings. 8-ounce should work well, too.
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