We brought home a ton of gorgeous fresh ginger from our farmers' market, and I'd love to pickle some. Do you have any favorite recipes for pickled ginger?
AntoniaJamesSeptember 23, 2010
Two more ideas come to mind . . . . You can preserve ginger (very easily, in a simple syrup) plus, a terrific recipe (one of our favorites) using ginger is Stir-Fried Fish with Ginger, from "Hot Sour Salty Sweet" by Naomi Duguid and Jeffrey Alford. I'll scan and send you recipes for both. For preserved ginger, you can also find the method on eHow.com. ;o)
thirdchildSeptember 20, 2010
Here is my suggestion for using ginger.
1. Peel a large root (maybe 1/2 a pound), and cut into coin size pieces.
2. Chuck into a food processor with about 1-1/2 cups of water and whir for a minute.
3. Strain ginger with a sieve into a bowl and squeeze out the ginger so that it is a bit dry.
4. Repeat the process two more times - adding about 1-1/2 cups of water and whirring and straining each time.
5. When you have finished this, let the beautiful yellow sit for 10-15 minutes and then pour it into another bowl. There will be a residue of starch in the first bowl and you can throw this away.
6. Add 1/4 cup of sugar and the juice of 1/2 lime, and dash or two of cayenne if you wish.
7. You now have a gorgeous ginger brew which will keep for five to seven days in the fridge. Pour a couple of tablespoons into a cup or glass, add hot or cold water, and savor this ginger refresher!
1. Peel a large root (maybe 1/2 a pound), and cut into coin size pieces.
2. Chuck into a food processor with about 1-1/2 cups of water and whir for a minute.
3. Strain ginger with a sieve into a bowl and squeeze out the ginger so that it is a bit dry.
4. Repeat the process two more times - adding about 1-1/2 cups of water and whirring and straining each time.
5. When you have finished this, let the beautiful yellow sit for 10-15 minutes and then pour it into another bowl. There will be a residue of starch in the first bowl and you can throw this away.
6. Add 1/4 cup of sugar and the juice of 1/2 lime, and dash or two of cayenne if you wish.
7. You now have a gorgeous ginger brew which will keep for five to seven days in the fridge. Pour a couple of tablespoons into a cup or glass, add hot or cold water, and savor this ginger refresher!
AntoniaJamesSeptember 19, 2010
LND, I sent you last night the recipes from Hilaire Walden's "Sensational Preserves." I'm totally inspired now to make some of my own! ;o)
marcella_missirianSeptember 19, 2010
Naturally Pickled Ginger
600g baby ginger
1 tbsp coarse salt
2 tbsp sugar
lemon juice from half juicy lemon
1) Scrape off skin of ginger, rinse and pat dry (advise to wear hand gloves for doing this
particularly if you have sensitive skin).
2) Cut the ginger into ~1mm slices, and mix with 1 table spoon of coarse salt. Let them
stand for an hour, after which some liquid will exude. Discard liquid, rinse ginger with
drinkable water, strain dry.
3) At this moment, the ginger slices still appear to be yellowish. Add in lemon juice and
sugar, mix well. Turn and stirr the ginger in a larger mixing bowl for several
intervals (about 15 minutes) before chilling. After the stirring, you'll start seeing the ginger turning
pink due to natural oxidation, not food coloring.
4) Put the well-mixed ginger slices in a glass or ceramic bowl with lid or bottle (or any sterilized container
that is non-reactive to lemon juice), let them chill for one day.
5) Enjoy your homemade natural snack – no coloring, no artificial sweetener.
600g baby ginger
1 tbsp coarse salt
2 tbsp sugar
lemon juice from half juicy lemon
1) Scrape off skin of ginger, rinse and pat dry (advise to wear hand gloves for doing this
particularly if you have sensitive skin).
2) Cut the ginger into ~1mm slices, and mix with 1 table spoon of coarse salt. Let them
stand for an hour, after which some liquid will exude. Discard liquid, rinse ginger with
drinkable water, strain dry.
3) At this moment, the ginger slices still appear to be yellowish. Add in lemon juice and
sugar, mix well. Turn and stirr the ginger in a larger mixing bowl for several
intervals (about 15 minutes) before chilling. After the stirring, you'll start seeing the ginger turning
pink due to natural oxidation, not food coloring.
4) Put the well-mixed ginger slices in a glass or ceramic bowl with lid or bottle (or any sterilized container
that is non-reactive to lemon juice), let them chill for one day.
5) Enjoy your homemade natural snack – no coloring, no artificial sweetener.
pauljosephSeptember 19, 2010
Try this http://www.food52.com/recipes... or make an easy lime and ginger juice we have an excellent recipe or try a ginger mustard pickle
lastnightsdinnerSeptember 18, 2010
Thank you! I'm intrigued by the ginger wine. My husband also has a wild-fermented ginger beer going - another of his beverage experiments.
AntoniaJamesSeptember 18, 2010
. Have you considered making ginger wine, too? It's fabulous for adding to stir fries, salad dressings, etc. I'll run down my pickled ginger recipe, but will have to send it to you via a message, as it is from a copyrighted source. ;o)
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