I put frozen boneless pork chops in refigerator to thaw last Friday or Saturday. On Sunday I put them in a container with some Mojo marinate with vin
I put frozen boneless pork chops in the refrigerator to thaw last Friday or Saturday night. On Sunday, I put them in a marinate of Mojo marinate (vinegar, grapefruit juice and spices). I took them out to bake them last night and it seemed like the marinate had partially cooked the pork chops on the edges. I went ahead and baked them on 425 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Should they be safe to eat? thank you Susan
The acids from both the vinegar and grapefruit juice likely "cooked" the meat a little.
Kenji over at Serious Eats says that marinades typically don't penetrate the meat more than a millimeter or two, so there's little benefit to using these kind of marinades more than a couple of hours.