Help! I have a small fridge in my apt. I had read Martha and bought many condomiments to make different cuisines. Now it is a disorganized mess.How

Helen Drezner


Windischgirl October 17, 2017
I sometimes build a meal around a condiment to use it up. For example, salad dressing makes an excellent marinade for meats. Some sauces can be used to make a one-pot curry-like or stew-like dish to serve over rice. Have friends over and have a potluck to use up items.
Once your fridge is empty again, pick one country per month and focus on its cuisine to decide if you like those flavors.
Lindsay-Jean H. October 17, 2017
Hey Helen, this article might help:
Nancy October 17, 2017
Helen -
Here are earlier takes (one article, one Hotline thread) on organizing the kitchen & the fridge.
Also, included in the kitchen is the possibility you now have many opened condiments you bought but don't use.
If you don't like them, reduce reuse recycle to friends or family (not to public places like food banks, which usually can't accept opened food).
If you like them, put them somewhere in the fridge you can easily remember and use them.
Hope the links and/or other members give you some useful ideas.
Organized kitchen that stays that way
Purging refrigerators
Nancy October 17, 2017
Arg! Auto incorrect.
should read: "included in the question"
BerryBaby October 17, 2017
Are the condiments open? Many don't have to be refrigerated until open. It should state this on the bottle if refrigeration is needed.
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