can chili sauce be a substitute for 2 tsp of worcestershire sauce for a bake chicken recipie

I want to make a baked chicken recipie and it requires 2 tsp of Worcestersire sauce but I have chili sauce and want to see if this can be use instead? - I do not want soy sauce or to make my own

Pamela Tuttle


ChefJune November 1, 2017
You CAN substitute chili sauce, but the flavor of the finished dish will be nothing like what the author of the dish intended.
ChefJune November 1, 2017
You CAN substitute chili sauce, but the flavor of the finished dish will be nothing like what the author of the dish intended.
Nancy November 1, 2017
Chili sauce as an alternate...if it's what you have on hand and like...yes.
If you want to get closer to Worcestershire sauce, mix a little sour (lemon juice or vinegar), a little sweet (pomegranate molasses, cranberry juice or sugar), a little fishy (anchovy paste or fish sauce).
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