Does anyone think adding roasted sugar pumpkin to red pepper/cauiflower soup will be too overpowering?

Trying to spice up my go-to soup for Thanksgiving but don't have time/money to make a test batch b/fore family's arriving. Rest of soup is basically mirepoix, shallots, roasted garlic, leek, stock, thyme, and spices.

Andrew LaCorte


Andrew L. November 28, 2017
Thanks for the help! I ended up roasting the pumpkins and tomato and them in w/ a sourdough I made and that ended up pairing quite right
Nancy November 29, 2017
Glad the taste combination worked out well.
Nikkitha B. November 21, 2017
I feel like the soup sounds delicious as is, and the pumpkin might be too much. Maybe offering it as a side, so folks have the option of eating it with the soup? Or, if you have the time, would you be interested in making some croutons or adding cheese to the top? That might be a safer bet for spicing things up.
Nancy November 21, 2017
Agree with Nikkitha Bakshani.
Rather have the known flavor of your go-to soup.
A late addition might be great or might unbalance the flavors.
If you think/fear it might need a boost, make a piquant garnish that people could spoon on top, if desired. For example:
Zhug (green version of Yemenite hot sauce)
harissa (Tunisian hot sauce)
These can also be left on the table after the soup, for possible use on the turkey.
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