Spiral Ham and Pineapple

I bought a 10 lbs Shank end spiral cut Ham and found a recipe that said to put sliced pineapple between each slice. I bought Fresh pineapple to make nice thin slices then cook 10 oz of Pineapple juice and Brown sugar down to a syrup and poured over the half. Cooked a325* for 1 and 1.2 hours pour remaining glazed over again and Cooked an additional 1/2 hour. My Family arrived right at the 2 hour mark. I shut off the oven but left the ham in probably for another hour while we had appetizers and Salad. When I took the Ham out it was totally GOO!! Not solid, like paste. not a whole piece to grab on to. What do you think happened??? I've never experienced anything like this. WE were all stunned and Hungry of course. My mother suggested too much pineapple it over tenderized???

  • Posted by: Sandy
  • January 15, 2018
  • 1 Comment

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C S. January 15, 2018
Pineapple has an enzyme that breaks down proteins. Usually you are advised to use canned pineapple in which the enzyme has been destroyed. The classic example of this is in Jello - if you use fresh pineapple it will not set up while with canned pineapple it will. It sounds like you had the fresh pineapple in contact with the meat long enough that it broke down. Sorry.
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